Love, needs, boundaries & forbidden feelings
Let’s talk about love, relationships, needs, boundaries and forbidden feelings
After the first successful Dinnr using conversations cards – we now make a follow-up. Join me for a conversation about love, relationships, needs, boundaries and some of the ‘forbidden’ feelings that visits most of us from time to time: jealousy, envy, rage…
As a guest you will be asked to share based on two-three cards with questions related to:
1. Love & Relationships
2. Needs & Boundaries
3. Forbidden Feelings
This is a Dinnr for the brave Guests, who are ready to dive in and share personal stuff. Expect an intense, fun, intimate and potentially even awkward night 🤗 Everything shared at the dinner stays at the dinner. If you are up for that you are welcome ❤️
This will NOT be your ordinary valentines dinner, but you are welcome to bring something romantic to the table 😘
Ps. I will cook something simple, serve some nature bubbles, olives and a piece of chocolate – if you are vegetarion/vegan let we know and I will makes some vegan yum side dish.
Hugs Sofus
Ticket Information
Additional Details
Event Expiry Time - 00:00
Event Expiry Date - 14/02/2024